Forster & Heighes

Latest news; Spring 2023
May – we are beginning work as associate lecturers at Wimbledon College of Arts, working with MA students (Performance: Theatre making and Theatre & Performance Design) to extend their collaborative, compositional and research skills.
The plan is to work off-campus across two sites in London: Hermitage Community Mooring, Wapping, and Glengall Wharf, Peckham. Mudlarking on the Thames foreshore, ad hoc horticultural structures and veggie banquets!
The aim of the Collaboration Unit 3 is to identify strategies for artists/students to work with communities practically and creatively to address issues relating to climate change, regeneration, and environmental sustainability.
Using field trips; guided walks; research tasks and practical interventions on site to reveal histories, patterns of use and management of resources with the aim of identifying new creative strategies for future artistic collaboration.
As a group we hope to identify ways to strengthen grassroots creativity and build cross disciplinary partnership. Working together to devise alternative creative economies and sustainable enterprises – ones that accelerate moves toward low-needs, low impact, co-operative living/art making